Saturday, 8 September 2018

Power / Speed vs. Regular Petrol - This is the biggest scam of petrol pump!

When you go to fill petrol or diesel in your car / bike, you have a general fuel or high performance fuel in Indian petrol pump, often known as speed, power, extra mile, turbojet or high-speed etc. . .
Today, I will share with you such fraud / scandal which is running in the petrol pump in the name of these high performance fuels and you will also learn whether it will use these high cost versions of petrol / diesel in your vehicle Is really useful in or not!
Because I educate you on this subject, I want to start with the fraudulent part, which is on the petrol pump! The reason I am calling this as a scam, because it is intended to deceive the customer to make a higher profit.

Petrol pumps give you "high performance fuel" without asking

A few days ago I had a gasoline pump to fill petrol in my car. I kept my eyes open wide and made sure that the meter shows zero (read the zero meter scam here on petrol pump), there is no distortion and no one scams me.
As soon as I was about to go, I realized that the nozzle used to fill petrol was called "Speed". When I asked if they had fueled high performance in my car, the answer was yes.

When I asked why? He said that I should have mentioned that I wanted normal petrol.

So now you know the scandal ..
It is a general understanding that by default petrol pumps are giving us normal petrol and only if the customer wants / agreed, then they should refuel high cost / cost. But here, they have made expensive fuels as the default choice and without even telling them that they fill in expensive petrol / diesel in your car / bike.
A customer never gives attention to what fuel he was given and believes that the fuel is a normal / cheaper version.
There are many other scams on the petrol pump, but I think it is a big scam, because it is so subtle, that almost everybody falls for it (knowing about it). Just think about it, even if 5% of people want to buy high-performance fuel, scam in petrol pumps / lacs of companies and buying millions of additional revenue / benefits.

What is high performance fuel?

To understand the whole game, it is very important to understand what is really high performance gasoline or diesel.
Branded high performance fuels such as speed and power are normal petrol in which extra additives / detergents are added. These additives increase theOctane rating for petrol.
The octane rating is the ability to burn gasoline in high compression ratio without knocking. Each engine has a unique compression rating and therefore, based on the compression rating, manufacturers recommend that the exact type of fuel used for the car.
99.99% of cars / bikes in India have such engines which only require general petroleum / diesel because the octane value is the same by the engine of these cars.
In fact, you will be surprised to know that car makers like Maruti, Hyundai, Tata, Toyota, Ford, Skoda, Mercedes, BMW etc. discourage the use of premium fuel in their cars, and in reality the car is written in the manual book. Are there. as well. If you want to know about this topic, then this thread discusses everything about high octane and fuel performance.
If you also talk to qualified service engineers at service stations, they also recommend using normal fuel instead of these high performance versions.

Problems using high performance fuel in normal car

Can you assume that the use of high octane petrol (expensive high-performance fuel) actually creates problems in the engine rather than helping the engine.
If you use petrol which is high octane level compared to the recommendation, due to the excess additives in petrol, it will only cause unwanted disposal of these additives in the engine - no additional benefit in the case of mileage / performance. No.
If you use petrol with less octane than recommended, petrol will knock and damage the engine. In addition, the anti-knock sensor will slow down the engine and the engine time will go wrong, which will reduce the mileage.
The general gas available in the market is actually suitable for the engines in most of the cars sold in India.

Why do petrol pumps sell high performance fuel?

In a word - "high profit"

Remember, both petroleum companies and petrol pumps are both "profitable" businesses. They are meant to earn money and they will do all those things which increase their profitability. Prices of petrol and diesel are regulated in India and no petroleum companies can decide the price of fuel.
However, they can always fix the price of enlarged fuel because it is their own formula and they are free to pay it. When they sell high performance fuel, petrol pumps also get better margins.
High performance fuels can cost anywhere from 3-4% higher than normal fuel. In some cases, too much performance fuel can also be 20% expensive.

When should you fill high performance fuel in your car?

Very easy, if you have a car / bike that has high performance high-compression engines like BMW / audio and superbike, you can use those expensive fuel and they will actually perform better, but otherwise you will Only the fuel should stick

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